
DailyPills: One Sound, One Voice by Full Gospel Baptist Church


Anchor Song: One Sound, One Voice
Artist: Full Gospel Baptist Church
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zrrhrfg
I don't think it would be possible for you to have dominion over a world you know nothing about. You see, doesn't just speak through dreams, visions and the likes, sometimes the answers you seek might be on the news, and while others just see the news as ordinary, the Spirit of God will prompt you. For example, when Vashti misbehaved and the King needed to get another Queen, Mordecai heard it on the news, and it's was acting on that news that led to Esther becoming Queen.
A few days ago, it was announced the Uber, the leading taxi company in the world will be closing their operations in China. Uber had been fiercely competing with a Chinese taxi service called Didi for market share, and after about 2yrs spending more than 1B dollars, Uber decided it was better to buy a stake in Didi and just move on. Basically, Didi won.
When would stories like this come out Africa in general and Nigeria in particular? While I'm in full support of globalization and all the doors it opens for businesses, don't you think it'd be nice for companies of African origin to start running global operations too? Guess what, to do that, charity must begin at home. Uber lost to Didi because a typical Chinese would always pick a local product/service before others from anywhere else. Hence, purge yourself of that mindset that locally made products will always be inferior to foreign made. Genesis 11:6 says - he said, “Look! If they are able to accomplish all this when they have just begun to exploit their linguistic and political unity, just think of what they will do later! Nothing will be unattainable for them![TLB]. There is power in the unity of our words, so say the right things about Africa/Nigeria, I believe one day, we would have our own Uber-Didi story to tell. And to every budding business owner, when that business starts to pay, make sure the quality of your goods/services increases before your living standards. God Bless You!
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