
DailyPills: You Well Never Leave Me by Sidewalk Prophets


Anchor Song: You Will Never Leave Me
Artist: Sidewalk Prophets
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zlxvt3d
Is it possible to draw a perfect circle using only your bare hands without any drawing instrument? I heard a particular professor at my Alma Marta can, and I saw him draw something close once. Anyways, let's even assume there is someone who can, do you think that person got it right at first attempt, without prior practice? Is it even possible to draw anything at all at first attempt without using an eraser? But guess what, that what many of us want to do, we want to get everything about God right at first attempt. It seems we forget that every perfect artist once made errors and learnt to use the eraser, but when things don't seem to work the way we planned, we believe the lie that God doesn't work.
Acts 17:27 says -  His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us[TLB]. You see, I learnt that the phrase "feel their way towards Him" is best described by the experience of looking for something in a dark room. I'm sure you been in the bathroom at some point and power supply suddenly goes off. So when you want to reach for your soap in that dark bathroom, you know what direction to look, but you still have to grope around a bit. You might pick other things while you grope, but when you hand touches the soap, you know you've got what you looking for.
Likewise, you might not find God like you desired at first attempt, but that doesn't mean He is not there. The verse above says He is not far from any of us, so don't stop trying. Even when it appears you've missed God, at least you've also learnt from that experience. Therefore, don't be afraid to make mistakes in your pursuit of God, just know, that even when you do, God does not abandon you. God Bless You!
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