
DailyPills: The Glory Experience by Uche Agu


Anchor Song: The Glory Experience
Artist: Uche Agu
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jy62sn4
Has it ever crossed your mind that it seems God wants you to sacrifice everything you enjoy doing? Does it sometimes feel like God is only pleased by the things that naturally displease us? Sometimes, when you hear some people talk about what it means to be born again, it almost sounds like they are saying the key is to "suffer here on heart so you can enjoy in heaven", and I don't think this is accurate, so let's see why.
I remember teasing a very intelligent friend of mine about how much she likes book, and she kept telling me she doesn't like book as such, but hates to fail, so her will for success and excellence makes her enjoy the reading process, not because of the book, but for the "results" that follow.
Likewise, while it is true that you will have to take up your cross and follow Jesus, guess what, you will enjoy it. Think about it, do you think Jesus would have agreed if asked to go back halfway and forget about dying on the cross when He already knew the glory that would fellow?
Hebrews 12:2 says - Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards; and now he sits in the place of honor by the throne of God[TLB]. You see, God does not violate the will of any man to get him to do something,  so even in God's sovereignty, He would still help you see the glory in what He wants you to do, so you can be willing. Hence, when others see what you are giving up and they tag it "suffering", what you can is what you're gaining so you can call it GLORY! God Bless You!
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