DailyPills: Christ In Me by Nine Lashes


Anchor Song: Christ In Me
Artist: Nine Lashes
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zp9tt8t
In your opinion, do you think the NYSC scheme should continue or be cancelled[NYSC-xit]? Before I went for service, I was so in favor of NYSC-xit, I just believed getting into the workforce right after college made more sense. But now, after going through the scheme, thinking of the great memories it has added to my life, I'd rather vote against NYSC-xit.
Just think about it, University graduates are gathered into one scheme irrespective of profession and given a common identity, Corps member. For that one year, that common identity supersedes every other identity your have, even tribe. Though everyone has a place of primary assignment in organizations, which may or may not be similar to their profession, that Corps member identity, government property as some like to call it, still remains.
Likewise, when a man gives his life to Christ, he takes on a new identity which supersedes every other. Unlike NYSC, it doesn't last a year, it remains forever. It is important you understand that your job or profession is just like your "place of primary assignment[PPA]", it doesn't take away your identity. In fact, God's intention when He decided to put you there, is for Him to do through you what He would have done if it was Jesus that was physically there. For example, if God can work miracles through a Pastor in his ministry, which is basically he's PPA, don't you think the same God has some miracles tailored for your PPA too?
2 Chronicles 16:9a says - The Lord ’s eyes scan the whole world to find those whose hearts are committed to him and to strengthen them[GW]. One challenge that we have today is that many of us have boxed the operations of God into the church, or religious circles, but it is time to move outside that box. So I ask you, if God is to do some miracles in your own PPA, i.e job or profession through You, what would that look like? God Bless You!
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