
DailyPills: Strong Enough To Save by Natalie Grant


Anchor Song: Strong Enough To Save 
Artist: Natalie Grant 
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hb9qlsj 
Even when the world got so bad that God Himself decided it was time to destroy it, do you realize that He didn't create everything all over again, all He did was to select what was needed and preserve them in the Ark. What that says to me is, no matter how bad you think your life and  the experiences that have come with it has been, all you need to create an excellent future still lies within that same past. 
After God created Adam, Eve and every other thing in the beginning, every thing else that came after that came by reproduction, not creation[except Jesus]. So what I am telling you today is that there is a seed in your past that can deliver that excellent future you've always desired, all you need do is find it, then focus on it till it becomes your experience.  
John 15:5 says - “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing[NCV]. I love the assurance with which Jesus made this statement, He is extremely sure that no one can be in Him and remain without having fruits to show for it. 
Therefore, don't write yourself off just yet, death on the cross seemed like a full stop on Jesus' life, but we all know that full stop didn't last because a new paragraph started on the third day. Likewise, there is always a new paragraph for you, and it announces every victory you thought you had lost. God Bless You! 
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