
DailyPills: Shine by Philippa Hanna


[Anchor Song: Shine, Artist: Philippa Hanna, URL: http://tinyurl.com/gln2abg ]
So life seems to be all about having followers now, from Twitter to Instagram, Snapchat and everything else, no wonder the world seems to be lacking leaders, because all we now do is follow. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against social media, it's has become an integral part of our lives and a very useful tool in this times. However, it appears a lot of young people have lost sight of the fact they would become leaders someday so they need to prepare. Even in church, many are comfortable just following their pastors, but the question is are you growing?
You see, you shouldn't follow your Pastor like you follow you music or movie stars, the approach should be different. God didn't create you and I to be eternal followers, we were designed to grow into leadership. 2 Timothy 2:2 says - For you must teach others those things you and many others have heard me speak about. Teach these great truths to trustworthy men who will, in turn, pass them on to others[TLB].
Therefore, either at church or in every other area of your life, get conscious about the fact that you were born to lead, that's who God designed you to be. So, get intentional in all your following, and be mindful of the information you acquire from leaders you don't hope to become. Someday, it will be your turn to lead people, and please make sure you are not the kind of leader that leads with the mindset of a follower. God Bless You!
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