
DailyPills: Hold You Up by Shane Harper


Anchor Song: Hold You Up
Artist: Shane Harper
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zu8lnkb
Can you believe that some time ago, music artists in a certain African country organized a street protest against the influx of Nigerian and Tanzanian music into their Country? I found out about this while reading an indigenous blogger's analysis of the situation. I purposely decided not to mention the name of the country because the aim of this post is not to rub it in, or become boastful about it, which is one of the things Nigerians were accused of.
Two thoughts were paramount in my mind after going through the blog's analysis, and I must indeed commend that blogger for standing on the side of reason and objectivity. Firstly, the man told his countrymen, seeking to use laws to stop the influx of these songs just because you feel disadvantaged would only limit your own exposure. Nigerians and Tanzanians didn't deliberately come to find them, they are the ones that feel in love with the songs and brought them. He told his people, instead of fighting the songs, why not look for a way to mix the local sound with this imported sound to produce a unique tune. You see, when people love an idea or when you can see it works, there is no point trying to hate on it, instead make efforts to build on it. It's easier to  build on something people already like, then after winning some love, channel it in a new direction.
Secondly, as a Nigerian, I'm actually not a fan of many of these songs people are protesting over in another country, I rarely listen to many of them. So reading the blog post reminded me of Mark 6:4 - But Jesus told them, “The only place a prophet isn’t honored is in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own house"[GW]. Truth is, it seems it's only outsiders that see the value contained in this country, and even when they mention, we hardly do nothing about it until they come and invest in it themselves, after which we start complaining they are shipping our wealth away. You and I need to move to the point where we look at our talents differently, look at our resources different, we need to keep looking until we've found ways to derive value out of it. What will bring the kind if growth we desire is everyone generating value from the little within their reach because there are things no one else can see the way you see it. Hence, you are not only valuable, you also have what it takes to generate the kind of value someone somewhere is willing to break the bank for. God Bless You!
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