
DailyPills: Here by Kari Jobe


[Anchor Song: Here, Artist: Kari Jobe, URL: http://tinyurl.com/gwfnvdh ]
Is there something wrong with just attending the church closest to you? It's common to hear people say things like, "I don't have a church, I just walk into anyone closest to me per time and worship; come to think of it, God, they say, is everywhere".
Technically, that person is correct. However, is this the best way to build your life as a Christian?
Firstly, let me ask, when you need medical attention, would you walk into just any hospital just because it's the closest one to you? Second question, would you attend, or send your child/siblings to the closest school to your current location? Would you even buy food from the nearest food vendor? I hope these questions already gives you an idea of the angle I'm coming from. Some of us will "travel" from one end of the city to another, just give him/her a special treat, but won't do the same for your Spirit.
When you say proximity decides what church you attend, I'm sorry, but you are also saying that "I'm not intentional with my pursuit of God, not seeking anything in particular". Initially, just any church might be good enough, but as you grow, you get to that point where your choice is driven by purpose, not proximity. I'm not saying the closest church to you is not a good one, but if proximity is your primary reason for being there, chances are that you won't make the best of the word you are getting from there.
Proverbs 23:23 says - Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight[MSG]. I believe the "buy" in this verse means you pay a price. Everyone needs to be in that place where you get to have a "eureka" moment every Sunday, where every service has some form of "wow" experience. If you can be careful/selective with what you feed your body, don't you think you should do the same with your Spirit? God Bless You!
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