
DailyPills: If Wishes Were Horses by West Of Here


Anchor Song: If Wishes Were Horses 
Artist: West Of Here 
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jun6rrv 
You don't know what you are missing if you have never tasted Mekembe. In fact, today's Pill is going 
to be centered around Mekemba. I'm sure when you saw that word, nothing came to your mind because you don't know what Mekembe is, either it's a way of making rice, or it's a kind of fish, meat or beverage. Well, let me quickly tell you that as far as I know, Mekembe only exists in mind, it's just a word I came up with. But let's assume that it does exist for just a minute, then it means there is a possibility that you might have seen it before and not even know. 
The point I'm getting across with all these stories is the fact that it's hard to own or take advantage of something if you don't know about it, or know the value it has. While I mentioned various industry leading companies in yesterday's Pill, the question popped in my heart that how would young people like you and I build companies like that if we do not even anything about them. Think about it, God usually moves His children closer to territories He desires that they take over. He moved Joseph to Egypt, moved Daniel into Babylon. Yes both of them got into those cities as slaves, but they we're close enough to understand the mindset of that environment. Isaiah 33:6 says - He will be the foundation of your future. The riches of salvation are wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord is ⌊your⌋ treasure[GW]. 
It's important  that we take out time read about/follow companies and industry leaders in the field of our interests, you might be surprised at some new ideas and vision that you will have when you do this. Sometimes, I think our knowledge limits how much God is able to give us, not because He doesn't want to, but because we haven't made that commitment enter into those areas, even in our mind. 

God Bless You.
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