DailyPills: Middle Of Your Heart by For King & Country


Anchor Song: Middle Of Your Heart
Artist: For King & Country
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jysv545
Is it possible to serve God and Mammon at the same time? No! But does that imply that it is not possible to be both successful and saved? There are verses of the Bible that when you hear people quote, it sounds like God opposes wealth. I remember having a room mate on campus who would always say that he doesn’t want to be wealthy because wealth turns people away from God, so he would say all he wants is to have just enough to be able to meet the needs of his family. Many Christians still have this configuration embedded in their subconscious, something that says money is not good for your spiritual life, but the questions I’d like to ask is, how did people like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do it, or has God changed His standard when it comes to wealth?
Like I said earlier, it is true you can’t serve both God and Mammon[money], but don’t forget for those who are in Christ, God has raised them far above all principalities and powers[mammon included], which implies that mammon is subject to you. Also, Romans 14:17 says - [After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit[AMP]. If you think wealth has no effect on the state of your mind, then it means you’ve never gotten an unexpected alert for a huge sum at a time you were really broke. And don’t you think you will have peace knowing you have fulfilled every dream God has placed within you? So when I look at that verse above, it says to me that the Kingdom of God is not about God meeting my basic needs, but getting me to the point where I can be all I’d ever want to be and still have my Visa to heaven intact. So God is asking for your whole heart, because that’s the only way you can handle the kind of blessing He’s bringing your way. God Bless You!
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