
DailyPills: Restored by Jeremy Camp


Anchor Song: Restored
Artist: Jeremy Camp
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hj6sr84
When you turn off your mobile data, I’m sure you know that it doesn’t turn off your network provider’s ability to provide you internet services, all it does is prevent your mobile device from receiving it. So while everyone else on the network can do whatever they want on the internet, you won’t because your device is not connected. However, as soon as you turn it back on and your device gets connected, you do not just receive the new messages, but all the messages that had been sent to you while you were offline also drops. Now, if man is wise is wise enough to create such functionalities on your device, don’t you think God is even wiser and would have done a better job?
Sometimes, we miss God, either out of ignorance, out of disobedience or maybe your data is just off for whatever reason. But if missing God is one moment means loosing out on the blessing He was bringing, then won’t is say whatsapp and bbm creators appear smarter? People say opportunities come but once, but I am yet to find that in my Bible. Instead, I see verses like Zechariah 9:12 - Come home, hope-filled prisoners! This very day I'm declaring a double bonus — everything you lost returned twice-over![MSG].
You see, God can compensate you after some huddles such that the people that didn’t go through what you went through would now be wishing they were in your shoes. Therefore, I’m here to tell you this morning that you might have missed, but you didn’t miss out, because God is more that able to deliver both the former and the later blessings into your life, all you need to do is just reconnect. Have a great week. God Bless You!
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