
DailyPills: Different Light by Big Daddy Weave


Anchor Song: Different Light
Artist: Big Daddy Weave
URL: http://tinyurl.com/z68xzut
Your significance is not in your similarity with others, but in your point of difference from another – Mike Murdock. If only many of us would get this, if only our schools are designed to celebrate this, only God knows the number of stars and innovations that would be born. The more I thought about this quote above, the more it occurred to me that what people are celebrated for is actually their ability to master and add value to what makes them different from others.
Too many people are trying to be the best of other people and not the best of themselves. It’s common to find people who try to design their life to look almost exactly like that of someone they admire, not realising that doing that only means that the world has been deprived of witnessing your awesomeness.

Look at it this way, we all are like crude oil, we look and behave the same initially, but as God begins to refine us, different valuable components begins to form because we are all meant to serve different purposes. Imagine if the kerosene decides he must be exactly like the petrol, then the world would have been deprived of having such an essential commodity called kerosene. Likewise, the more you try to be exactly like someone else, you are depriving the world of meeting an exceptional individual. Ephesians 2:10 says - God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do[God’s Word]. This world would miss something good if you don’t learn to value and master your difference. Never study your weakness, it’s of no use, study your difference – Mike Murdock.
God Bless You!
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