
DailyPills: What's Coming Is Better by Deon Kipping


Anchor Song: What’s Coming Is Better
Artist: Deon Kipping
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h6tp9t2
“The beautiful ones are not yet born; because the ugly ones refuse to die” – Babasuwe[1845] LOL. Typically, most guys think this joke is funny and most ladies don’t – some ladies even take offence to it, but which ever side you fall, I love you too. I heard it for the first time when I was much much younger, I’m sure it was my early days in primary school, and I have somehow carried it along ever since. After this joke came into my mind again yesterday and I gave some thought to it, I concluded, that this joke is as true today[at least the first part], as it was several years ago was it was first said.
Hebrews 10:9 says - he then added, "Here I am. I have come to give my life." He cancels the first system in favor of a far better one[TLB]. You see, there seems to be a pattern in the Bible in which what comes after is always better than what came before. Jesus, the last Adam as compared to the first Adam, the Law and Grace, even the wine that Jesus gave through the miracle was said to be far better than the first, and I believe this same pattern is what translated into our modern world where the newer version of every device is better than the former ones.
Therefore, when I tell you the “beautiful ones are not yet born”, what I need you to hear is that the best part of your life is yet to be seen, I mean, God has not dropped His joker yet. I don’t know where you are and what you have seen, but I can assure you, just as today’s anchor song also boldly declares, that what’s coming is far better than you can imagine. Hence, I believe wake up everyday and draw strength from the fact that the most beautiful part of your life is not yet born, God is still at work in you. God Bless You!
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