
DailyPills: Here For You by Matt Redman


Anchor Song: Here For You
Artist: Matt Redman
URL; http://tinyurl.com/zhzbf33
The magnitude of God’s power would be completely useless and inconsequential if it is not accessible and available to any  of God’s children. No! Just imagine this, that after Jesus applied mud to the eye of the blind man, by the time the man washed it off, only one of the man’s eyes got opened. Then imagine Jesus telling the man, “sorry man, that’s how much power I have at the moment, please manage with the one eye, at least, half bread is better than chin chin”. If this had happened, what perception would you have had about the power of God?
The truth is, many of us actually do believe God can do all things, but I think having an understanding of how much of that power is accessible to us is where we have a problem. How do you think the richest man in this city would look like if his child gets kicked out of school due to non payment of fees, I think that’s how God feels each time things go wrong with us because we are not able to access His might.
Romans 8:32 says - If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?[MSG].
Therefore, I’d like you to know that God doesn’t just have all the power so that He can show the devil He’s the  boss, He is also committed to showing through your life that He is a capable and dependable father, one who will not leave any of His children stranded. So, I don’t know where you need your father’s attention, you He would like me to tell you that He is all ears, ready to help you. God Bless You!
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