
DailyPills: New Day by Grits


Anchor Song: New Life
Artist: Grits
URL: http://tinyurl.com/z8vr494
What can I do if I don’t want to experience night and day, but I want my 24hrs to be all day? We know from science that the reason we have night and day is because of the rotation and revolution of the earth, i.e as the earth revolves round the sun, it is also spinning, so it is the side facing the sun per time that experiences day light. So I thought about, what if I can find a way to stop the earth from spinning when it’s my side facing the sun? Without considering the negative effect that would have on the planet itself, what it would also mean is that some other people would remain in constant darkness. So, as a second option, I can leave the earth to continue revolving and rotating, but move from one region to another before it gets dark.
I decided to consider these two options because it represents two kinds of people. The first is a person who wants something, and makes plans to get it, not caring if his plans have negative effects on others. The second case represents someone who wants something, tries not to inconvenience others, but makes sacrifices to get it done. Which would you want to be in this new year?
I read a statement credited to Jack Ma, China’s richest man yesterday, and when asked a secret to his success, he said – “I’m doing(action), while others are watching”, the match stick was an innovation at some point, but you know what happened when the lighter was invented. Same thing can be said about landlines and mobile phones, abacus and calculators, etc. Mark 2:22 says - You know better than to put new wine into old wineskins. They would burst. The wine would be spilled out and the wineskins ruined. New wine needs fresh wineskins" [TLB].
Therefore, be prepared to make some changes this year, because some of the things coming to you cannot fit into the bags you have. Also, as you make changes for a new level, make sure you are not causing harm to anyone directly. God Bless You!
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