
Plans and Goal Setting For 2016!!!


2015 comes to an end in a few days. The year has been full of lots of activities, drama, excitement, political tussle and, sadly, terrorism. Except for all those days of wondering how these suicide
bombers could stomach hurting innocent people and the pain that still abide in our hearts for the loss we had to bear as a nation, 2015 was indeed a great year.
Notable amongst the events this year was the power change in the Presidency; I was happy that Buhari won the election but a deep admiration for Goodluck also sprung from the handover ceremony. Whether or not, either the new or ex-president, planned for the outcome, it still did happen. Like the President-Elect, we all had plans for the year too. Plans to achieve feats, acquire assets, develop selves and just fulfill our aspirations.

The question here is, Did it all work according to your plans? Could you accomplish all the goals you set for yourself in 2015? The answers to these questions could either be YES, NO, NOT COMPLETELY and NOT AT ALL; the truth is not everyone actually achieved all that they set out to achieve. There is nothing to worry about though, just restrategize in the new year. Make sure your plans are specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound.

At the beginning of 2015, I had my goals written out but they were too general and without the finding out the strategy to achieve them. Do not make that mistake when you write your plans; if for example you want to buy a car in 2016, that is a good goal; just include how to get the revenue to complete that project. Do you plan to increase your savings? Take a loan? Take up part-time jobs to make the money for your car?
You need to answer the HOW, WHEN, WHY and WHAT questions for every set goal for the new year. 
It is also advisable that goals have to be specific, not "I plan to relate more with people" or "I plan to grow in the new year".  Get your note pad and write down the areas of your life that you would love to improve on in the new year. According to what is important to you, make a list and then write the goals for that area of your life in front.

Here is a list of areas one should plan for in the new year, in no particular order and based on individual priority:
1. Family
2. Career
3. Health
4. Finance
5. Education
6. Relationships (Spiritual, Social, Environmental)

You can add others as you please, then write down your goals for each area. Make sure your goals are realistic, set deadlines too and go through them per time for progress assessment.

I am sure 2016 will be a better year for us all with lessons and gains and strengths and new wisdom to go through our lives' challenges; more importantly I pray that God provides us with loads of opportunities to make more of the gifts He has bestowed upon us.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year in advance
Joy Ijehon


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