
JIB RETRO: Cheers to a great year!!!



In the spirit of assessment of the nearly ended 2015 and projections for the new year; I always wrote a note about the year that is about to end. I have about three "The 365th Day" notes on my Facebook
page. I thought it would be a good idea to have our readers share about their year in retrospect. For the fun of it, the lessons and the shared hope for a better year ahead.
Here is mine; it is a lengthy one but....*shrugs*

"I can not believe that it is the last month of the year already, even though I had worked myself into a frenzy for all the excitement December holds for me.
Looking back at the beginning of the year, I try to remember what my expectations for the year 2015 were. I remember wishing for a better relationship with God, my family, my friends and my boyfriend too. I know that I planned on learning to drive, getting my passport, changing jobs, working on other side jobs, just plain making more of this year than I had the previous year. I wanted to also work on my huge problem, which was UNFORGIVENESS. I wanted to preach the gospel to people, build a better devotion, fast more and pray harder.
When the year begun, I had this drama (* I imagine my friend Agbara rolling her eyes here) which made me decide to "FACE FRONT" in 2015. Facing Front majorly entails minding one's business, looking to do more in your life, giving of yourself to other people and.....mehn just plain avoiding any murky dramas.
At the beginning of 2015, I planned to learn a new skill, start a business, exercise more and serve God better by attending midweek services and doing better in my department in church.
I had all these plans, some written, others burning in my heart strongly and others came as the year went. My zest for the year was untouchable, my hope unquenchable, I believed with all my heart that this year was gonna be a great year for me.

With the gang! *kisses*

This energy pushed me throughout January, I had decided to learn Photography so I joined the unit as I was already in the Media Department. My friend, who lives abroad, came in for his sister’s wedding so we made a reunion out of it. Then the 30 Days Prayer and Fasting programme started in church and this was the opportunity to achieve one of my goals. I made up my mind to fast all through 30 days and pray as I went along. My aim was to know God's will for me, in all aspects of my life; I wanted direction. At the end of the fasting and prayers in February, which I completed to the glory of God, the amazement of my humble self and the unbelief of my close friends and family(*inserts tongue out smiley), I had answers concerning where my life was headed. I didn't like one of the answers so I rebelled at first, then tried to understand why and finally just decided to trust God's will for my life.
March brought my church's annual convention IMPACT 2015 where I did news recording, interviews and took loads of pictures thereby improving my photography skill. It was an awesome experience with impactful teachings by seasoned men of God. I was super excited because I have missed this event for about 6 years due to my school calendar and then the service year. April brought in elections and spending time with my boyfriend as I was in a long distance relationship so I was all giddy and excited to finally hang out with the boo. 

Good old days!

In May, I was getting all frustrated with my job again because at that time I had spent one year on the job and I wanted to get formal training or more money so I could train myself. Nothing was forthcoming so I was beginning to get in a mood. I tried not to complain too much, I got side gigs so I made some extra change but I just wanted more. I loved my job, my colleagues and the challenges that came with being an engineer; I just wanted a career development plan before it was too late. 

Smile bright like a diamond

June is my favorite month in the whole year! Not just because it is my birth month but because.....well you've got to love June. *winks* I was jejely working when I had to travel to Zaria to write tests and interview for a job. Believe it or not, although I've always worked with aircrafts, it was my first time on a flight. The journey was exciting, the test and interview were strenuous but I passed with good scores sef. *smiles shyly* I could scarcely believe that I was finally getting my wish. A new job? Just days after my birthday? I never esperredit fam!

Selfie with the Comms Equipment 

Ehen! July had replaced my excitedness with anxiety about this new job. How would I survive not unscrewing bolts and screws anymore? No more awkward working positions because of the design of aircrafts. I majored in Telecommunication/Electronic Engineering and that is what the new job is all about but still….I  always loved been an avionics technician. Tinkling with them ladybirds and washing grease off, sweating out in the tiny compartments and interacting with people from all races..*sighs*... In the midst of my fears, I decided to give it a year; no worries until my first year at the job was done and dusted. Having arrived at this decision, I threw myself into learning and relearning all that I gained from the Uni. Three months in each department for the first year was exciting, I was gonna work with different people and learn new things.
Then it happened!!!!!

My mom fell seriously ill, pressure about marriage, working without pay (because of some government policy of not getting paid until the end of the first 3 months in service), then fights with the boo. I was stressed in July, too moody to care that I had become easily irritated, I would sit for hours and not talk to anyone... Moi? Patience Joy Ijehon the talkist? I went through July one day at a time; praying as I went along, then I preached too on my way to work, started this personal fasting schedule. A lot of things went south this month, including the boyfriend going AWOL, so I stuck with all that looked promising which was my relationship with God, my new colleagues, my new career path.
August brought in a decision to start this blog. I didn't over think it, I met a colleague who is a great blogger Typearls Lifestyle. So with her help, I started this blog and ever since I have met amazing people. Choi! There are talents and gifted people in this country, people with amazing personalities and self-sufficient enough to offer support to others. In August, my life was filled with love from people who knew nothing about me but my first name. 
Ah!!! August!!!!


September was the month of positivity; a conscious effort to be positive, ignore negativity and pettiness and concentrate on the good that I encountered. Every first sunday in my church, we picked bible passages from a basket to guide us through the month. I decided to actively do this, because it had become routine so the essence was lost on me. So I picked this verse about sustenance and God showed up for me in wonderful ways. 
October brought in great news, new relationships, another word to go through the month by and exact statement of direction from God. I started working towards accepting all that I couldn't change and looking forward with great enthusiasm to all I had set to achieve.

At Ms Parker's Bridal Shower

In November, I met up with old uni friends to plan another friend's wedding shindig.. The bridal shower, shopping for shoes and just hanging out with the girls was good fun. It's the second month in another department with yet another exciting set of people. I danced a lot this month, laughed too, grew closer to my mom *if that is possible*, made plans with my sister, and my brothers, read news in PIDGIN and I just plain grew stronger. 
My bestfriends Dami and Jumi were my constant source of joy this month, Dare and Jephthah kept me going too, and my sugar boo-that-is-not-a-boo-because-he-has-a-boo Edward kept being the annoying constant through the months that led me here. In my life, I have an undefined relationship with Agbara; we are too cool to be friends, saying we are sisters is just....well weird; we are just "Peoples". *sighs*
November was beautiful
Bride's maid on duty DebbySegs2015

It's December now and I started with loads of activities, Debby and Seg's wedding, having Aisha's bridal shower then Endee's shower too. From planned and impromptu parties, to trying to keep a rhythm with blogging and excitedly planning my trips.. I am just grateful for how this year turned out. I had pains, hurts, disappointments and fights too, but I came out stronger. Like that silver that has to through immense heat to remove impurities, I came out of 2015 devoid of impurities, anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack, ignorance. 

I know 2016 would be a glorious year with fulfilment of all of God's promises and walking in the consciousness of who I am in Christ Jesus. I complained the least this year, I am gonna find more to rejoice over in 2016. I will celebrate my little blessings until they all pool together to become an ocean of joy. I look forward to the challenges that will surely come because 2015 has taught me that fear is only as strong as the attention you give it."  

*sighs dreamily*
I hope you enjoyed reading my tale of the year 2015. If you'd like to share yours, please send your "2015 Retro Note" to joyijehon@gmail.com..

Wish you all a merry Christmas and a marvelous new year in advance



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