
JIB Crafts: Seggy's Signature


Seggy's Signature

A lot of times, we have been told that desperate situations deserve desperate measures; but what about when the desperation in the situation is not about us?

Let's read the story of how amazing entrepreneur Zulikha of Seggy's Signature had the foresight to plan ahead even though she didn't have to. Her proactive act sure paid off!
Be inspired!!

My business and I?
I am Zulikha Kazeem-Ajide, CEO of Seggy’s Signature which is a Professional Makeup Outfit. We offer professional makeup services and also stock different brands of makeup products for sale.

Seggy's Signature

The Birth of Seggy's Signature
After school, I found myself in the banking industry but in the marketing department where pressure of "target" was enormous. Then came the global recession that caused many bankers at that time to lose their jobs. Though I still had mine at that time but that was enough reason to have a "plan B". So I decided to start something of my own. My passion for beautifying and making people look their best resulted in Seggy's Signature. My first thought  was clothing but I figured it would be too much stress then I ventured into hair styling and Makeup; but somewhere along the line I decided to drop hair styling as I was falling more in love with the makeup aspect.

Seggy's Signature

Seggy's Signature

Work and Personal Life?

Balancing work and family is quite challenging but hard work always pays off. I spend most of my time outside work with my family.

Seggy's Signature

My passion for the job keeps me going. I truly and thoroughly enjoy what I do.

‎Yes, we do take trainees.

Seggy's Signature

Advice to Upcoming Entrepreneurs?
Never give up... the big people u look up to today were once "no where". Hard work always pays in the end‎.

Contact Details:
Call /WhatsApp: 08126535946
Email: zulikhakazeemajide@gmail.com


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