
Pre-Wedding Pictures of Martha and Michael


Is it just me or have you also noticed how couples these days, have names with the same first alphabet? Martha and Michael? Joseph and Jane? Seun and Sola? Tega and Tuoyo? Osayi and Olumide? 
Get the gist now?! Please let us know if this is the trend. 



Today we present, yet again, another perk of the Social Media, Facebook this time. Admiring the photography of beautiful Martha on his friend's Facebook Page, led Michael to meet the love of his life. Friendship, love and of course 'goofiness' between this lovely couple is obvious in their pre-wedding shoot.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present Martha and Michael's pre-wedding pictures and the story of how they met.

Michael: "We met through a mutual friend (My best man). It was in July 2010 and I saw her profile picture on his Facebook page and asked if he could give me her number. 



He did and then I called her. When I called her, I asked to speak with another friend. Of course , I knew I had the right number but she kept telling me I had the wrong number. So I hung up and called later to tell her she had a beautiful voice on the phone and asked if we could be friends. 




She agreed to friendship and after about 4 weeks of calling every day and seeing her twice I knew she was the one as I had peace of mind around her. 



So I asked her if we could date. I really was on her case till she agreed to it in August 2010. And that's how we started our love journey. We dated for 4 years and then I asked her to marry me to which she said YES too


She is everything and more to me. I really do love her"

The focus of some men though?! He knew what he wanted and went straight for her. We wish the delectable Martha and her beau Michael, a happy married life.

Photo Credits: 
AY Twins Photography
Professional Photographers For Weddings, Family Pictures, Pre-wedding Photo Sessions, Baby Pictures.
Tel: 08033588209
BBM: 2AD6A918
Email: Aytwinsphotography@gmail.com


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