
Oven Secret...Cake Artistry at its best


Oven Secret

In the short while since this blog started, the caliber of entrepreneurs that I've come across never ceases to amaze me. This lady, Ms Barbara, is all shades of amazing and has loads to share with upcoming entrepreneurs. 

The confidence and courtesy she exuded during our conversation endeared me to her, but when I read her response I was already an ardent admirer. I hope as you read about this artist whose canvases are cakes, you will come to be better for it. 

Oven Secret


I am Barbara Uchenna Okereke, I hail from Anambra State, the southeastern part of Nigeria. I am the second out of four children in my family. I am graduate of Electrical electronics engineering, Anambra state university. I have a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA), with a major in Oil and gas management from Coventry University London Campus. I am a Lover of God, Children and Nature. I am also the Managing Director/CEO of Oven Secret, a growing Cake and confectionary company in Nigeria founded officially of the 8th of September 2015.

My Business Story

It all started when I was about rounding up my Masters degree in London earlier this year. I personally decided not to come back to Nigeria for any reason, but again getting a permanent job and resident visa in the UK wasn’t easy at all. However, while in the UK I started a small business during my short breaks out of schoolwork, which involved sending stylish apparels back home, for interested buyers by displaying items of my “BBM” and WhatsApp profile. The business thrived I must say, I made good money, but then I had challenges, as I knew I was going to leave the UK, so sourcing of these unique beautiful apparels will be cut short. Then I made up my mind to look for a “Plan B”.

I had fears of not being able to get a job here in Nigeria due to the state of the nation’s economy and the high unemployment rate, so I decided to discover my talent, capitalize and take maximum advantage of it, and finally create an opportunity to set up my own business.

Oven Secret

Oven Secret

I had 5 months left to stay in the UK, from January 2015 to May 2015; the pressure was building up because I hadn’t considered what exactly I wanted to do. As time went on, after so much meditation and critical thinking, I remembered I’m good with my hands, in terms of creativity and style. Again, another challenge… should I learn how to sew? Or bake? Makeup artistry? Etc. because these skills also involves creativity and style.

Finally, I struck of makeup artistry because I felt the market in Nigeria was quite saturated. So I proceeded to London fashion school to make enquiries on their short courses and the cost of enrolling, so I could learn at least the basics of fashion designing. Sadly, it was really expensive for me, I couldn’t afford it, and so I gave up on that idea.

Notwithstanding the disappointments on my initial trials and efforts, I looked up online for Cake decorating schools in London, of which I found a whole lot and decided to take a few courses. So I enrolled at “Fair Cake London’s Premier Cake School” Greenwich, London, run by an Indian lady. I took a few short courses I could afford at her school and others at some other school “Cake 4 Fun” located in London as well.

Oven Secret

Oven Secret

Personally, I knew this was not enough, as I needed more knowledge and expertise. Considering the short time left, I decided to get self-taught using other easier means such as YouTube, Google, Pinterest, etc. Finally in May 2015, I got back to Nigeria, registered my business “Oven Secret” and started baking birthday and wedding cakes for clients.

Honestly, it hasn’t been an easy journey, as sometimes I get indecisive about what next to do and a lot of doubts on whether my business was going to thrive. I have also experienced a lot of challenges such as discouragements from people, difficulty in sourcing for some special kind of cake decorating equipment’s, monetary and moral support. Thankfully, God has been faithful and merciful, as I was able to get words of encouragement from my immediate family, friends and well wishers. This has gone a long way; as I am just two months old in the business, and I have improved greatly both in my craft, online presence, increased client base, customer retention/satisfaction and positive feedback. I am also looking to employ more hands to reduce the workload on me as time goes on.

Oven Secret

Oven Secret

How do I balance work with personal life?

Well for now, I would say things haven’t really been so difficult since I’m just starting. In a week, I get about 2 – 3 cake orders, which I do all on my own. On social life, during my free time or when I do not have orders, I sit out and have a drink with a few friends, talk about life, business, challenges, trends and things one can do to improve one's self.

Oven Secret

What/Who motivated you to keep going in spite of challenges?

Principally, God is my motivator, my mum and finally a couple of role models I look up to for inspiration. My siblings, cousins and a few friends also motivate and believe in me.

I also motivate myself…lol. Waking up everyday with an intention for change in the society and hunger for success is what drives me and also impacting positively in the lives of people around me, to share my “Can Do” and “Never Die” attitude by inspiring, influencing and motivating others is my vision of Success.

Oven Secret

Oven Secret

Whether or not you take trainees or apprentices?

Presently, I don’t train people, However, I have plans on kicking off training sometime next year. I’m presently looking for one apprentice, who has basic knowledge in baking.

Advice to aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs?

- Involve God in all your endeavors
- Pray without ceasing.
- Identify your passion
- Surround yourself with positive people
- Do not listen to the Naysayers
- You will lose friends, do not feel bad, its natural and it comes with growth
- Start Small, gradually you will grow
- When you start, develop yourself, improve your skill everyday, be the best at what you do, be             consistent, persevere, do not give up.
- Accept “necessary” criticisms, they help you identify your mistakes and help you work towards           correcting them.
- Identify the Gap in the market; make it your unique selling point.
- Be humble
- Put your customers first… if possible put yourself in their shoes, to make you give them the                 best.
- Money shouldn’t always be the goal, rather service, quality, increased trust, should be your                 major goal, as this will lead to not just increase in customer base, but also customer loyalty and           retention, which will cause an increase in profit.

Oven Secret

Our contact details

Location: Port Harcourt
Tel: 09099002279, 07030592987
Email: myovensecret@gmail.com
Instagram: Oven_secret
Website: www.ovensecret.com
Facebook: Oven Secret


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