
The Pre-Wedding Pictures: Ifueko and Ighodaro


Ifueko and Ighodaro are getting married today!
We wish them a happy married life as they begin this journey of bliss and favour together. These pictures depicts the friendliness and genuine love between these two, the bride couldn't stop gushing about her boo Ighodaro, while sharing the story of how they met and the proposal.


Bride-to-be: Ifueko Uwuigbe
Groom-to-be: Ighodaro Adun


We first met at my friend's wedding where I was the Chief Bridesmaid but we didn't talk to each other during the wedding. Later that day, the newly weds and I went over to his house to pick up their stuff; that was when we first spoke to each other.



That was in March, after that day, we never spoke again. On my birthday, October 29, my friend (the same who I was her Chief Bridesmaid) put my picture as her display picture. That was when he asked her about me and wanted my pin, my friend asked me and I told  her she could give him. That is how we started.



Right from the onset, he wanted a serious relationship but I was not so sure. As time went on, I realized that all that I has asked God for in a life partner was staring right at me. 
Sometimes, I'd give him just 5 minutes of my time and tell him it was enough for the day. 
*shakara mode activated* 

I would purposely behave difficult to scare him away, but I realized that attitude was not what God would want me to portray. I wanted any man that went to church but God preferred a man next to His heart. I wanted anything that shines (pyrite a.k.a Fool's Gold) but God preferred diamond. I wanted someone for the present, just to show off but God preferred someone forever
*sighs dreamily


On the 2nd of June, we went shopping. I decided to make food for him before heading back to my house. When I started the preparation, I went to the sitting room and he started saying sweet words and how much he loved me. Just then, my amazing gift from God, priceless jewel, super awesome, unique in all, handsome in every way and certainly more than enough popped that question. And it was a biiigggggg YES from me.









Such a cute couple! We wish them a happy married life and pray that their love get fresher and newer as the years go by.


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