The Wedding: Ruth Ozor and Opeyemi Bolarinwa
A few weeks ago, we presented the story of how Ope met his sweet lady Ruth and their pre-wedding shots. If you missed that story, click here for the beautiful pictures and how the sharp instincts of Mr Bolarinwa got him moving in.
Today, we present you pictures from their wedding and some tips that worked for them.
Look out for the bride's advice to other couples.
Be inspired!
The proposal?
I proposed on the Lekki/Ikoyi Bridge on Easter Monday 2015. We went for a walk on the bridge and wanted to relax, throwing pebbles into the water from the bridge. So we took a walk, saw different couples-to-be having their pre-wedding photo shoots - about 2 of them at the different sides of the bridge. She was surprised when I went down on a knee and ask if she could marry me. I was quite shy I must say and it took me a while before I could summon the courage to do it. Eventually, I did it and she said YES!!! So we took pictures courtesy of John Famous Photography and that was it.
Please include any special reasons that inspired how you proposed?
Reason for me.... hmmm...
I had always wanted a monument when I proposed - whereby anytime I saw the bridge or drive past the place, or see a picture of it I would always remember my great decision of wanting to spend my life with whosoever the girl would be
The most challenging part of your relationship and how you worked it out?
By The Bride:
The most challenging part of our relationship was understanding our individuality and compromising. I can be very stubborn, angry and irritable. i always want to have my way, Ope on the other hand is calm, gentle but very firm. But because we are both mature and committed to each other, we find ways of sorting out our issues. I learnt to say sorry more often and he learnt to be more patient with me. A lot of time we see things differently because of our individual backgrounds but I must say that we try as much as possible to communicate our frustration to each other and we ensure we consciously work towards understanding each other better.
That advice that actually worked for you in building your relationship?
Groom: We were told to speak freely to each other - communicating expectations and not just assuming for the other party- This helped.
Advice to couples struggling in their relationships
Groom: My advise to intending couples is that;
1.The background of their relationship should actually be friendship, this way fights are easily settled.
2. Be sure you want this (your relationship) to work
3. Have date nights that are constant and set a rule that no matter what - We won't miss this day of the week.
4. Know your temperaments and know where you complement each other

Most memorable moment(s) of your wedding day
Groom: For me, the most memorable moment was when I was reading the creed and the part where they joined us in holy matrimony. I knew I really wanted to get married and was glad did.
Advice to couples struggling in their relationship
Bride: Advice to people struggling in their relationships, be sure you are walking in God's will as that saves you a lot of trouble. Also prayer is the key.It sounds like a cliche but it actually works. Let God take the wheel of your relationship and you will be at rest. A lot of ladies are in wrong relationships, where they are abused both mentally and physically, some even develop identity issues resulting to low self esteem. I will say to every lady, no man can make you feel whole. Your identity is in God because He created you. So when you know who you are in Christ, then you will know the right man for you, a man who will help you achieve your purpose and vice-versa.
When you find that man, your relationship will not be struggle as you will find grace for any challenge you face. There is a vacuum in our heart that has been created by God, which He alone can fill. So if you are struggling, you need to go to God and ask Him if you were meant to be in that relationship. If you are, you will find grace. If you ain't, then you know you have no choice but to get out of it. God is real and He can help us in any struggle of our lives.
Most memorable moment(s) of your wedding day
Bride: I think the entire event was memorable; from the exchange of vows to the dance. We enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. It was a blast
I am happy to be Mrs Bolarinwa or Mrs B as my husband calls me. I am grateful to God that I married MY HUSBAND, our meeting was not a mistake, we will both fulfill God's purpose. He is the man who God made for me before He created the foundations of the earth. My Boaz, my prince, he means the world to me, he is a good man with a heart of gold. I look forward to our 50th Wedding anniversary by the grace of the Almighty
Photography by Dela-Dee Innovations
Makeup by Ajibulu Wemimo
Honeymoon packaged by Diamonds and Pearls Concepts
Jewelries by @Emisara