
'NO' is also an answer



A couple of months ago, I don't know when exactly, I began to accept that 'NO' was also an answer. In fact sometimes, it is the best answer there is. But when it comes to our expectations, getting a 'NO' is usually a hard pill to swallow.
But what exactly is wrong with NO?
How do you handle a 'NO' when you get it?
Should it kill your dreams or aspirations? 
Or should it just give you the extra push to keep going? 
Prove all the people who said 'NO' to you wrong?
Well answer those questions honestly...and keep a straight face while you are at it.. 

Having said that, let's concentrate on what getting a negative response to one's needs or wants does to our expectations.
More often than not, when we are turned down, it just sort of also shatters our expectations. We sorta stop expecting to achieve our set objective(s)...at least it happens with me. 
It just causes me to wanna crawl into a corner, cry my eyes out while I pray, and then just lay low. 
Sounds familiar?!
What I have learnt about accepting "NO" as an answer is that it doesn't really feel as bad as when I felt like NO equals DISAPPOINTMENT.
I'd love for you all to be that way in your daily life and aspirations too, when you get turned down at the point you really need an affirmative, do NOT allow it cause your expectations get hit too.
When you are turned down, just accept it as a challenge to keep pushing. After all, what great feats were achieved easily? 
The hardest of all is accepting when God says 'NO' to us. No matter how strong a person is, getting a "NO" from God is not easy especially when one has invested a lot.. The main reason for that I think is that when people turn you down, they try to soft-pedal by giving you reasons. But more often than not, God just plainly says 'NO'!
Although, time and again, it has been proven that a 'NO' from God has goodness written all over it. 

So my dearies, learn that a single 'NO' could be a better answer than a thousand 'YES'. Accept when you are turned down, just go right ahead and prove that you really know what you are about in spite of the dashed expectations.
When God says 'NO' to you, rejoice and expect the better plan He has put in place for you.

Photo Credits: Google Images, Instagram

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