JIB Inspiration: Social Abuse


Dark Abused Woman
Social Abuse is when a person or group of persons make you cut off from all your social network (could be social media, friends or even family). Social abuse involves preventing a person from having social contact with friends or family or access to social activities, such as:
  • Moving the person far away, or cutting the person off from the support of friends or family members
  • Not allowing the person to use the telephone or monitoring his/her calls
  • Not allowing the person to socialize like on social media, occasions etc.
  • Claiming that the person's friends or family are "interfering"
The above are instances  to paint a clear picture in your mind of what this form of abuse is. I'm sure you all saw the movie 'Mean Girls'; where for you to be cool enough to be with a group of girls, you had to break off from people in a cliques deemed as 'below' theirs.
Unfortunately, this doesn't happen only in the movies or among teenage girls, it happens in all forms of relationships
'You're my girlfriend/husband/best-friend/sister/son e.t.c! If you love me, you need to stay away from so, so and so'
Sounds familiar, right?! This is common especially when people are dating or married.
But wait!
Why can one not trust the opinions and judgment of loved ones? Is it protectiveness, concern, love? Or could it be for entirely selfish reasons?
Granted the effects of peer pressure could be disastrous, but don't you think your loved ones have considerable control over their decisions?
I think the most probable cause of this abuse is insecurity of the 'abuser/culprit' and has nothing to do with the 'victims/abused' in this kind of abuse. This form of abuse can only result in secrecy and distrust in relationships. It is really hurtful and could lead to more forms of abuse, e.g Psychological Abuse, Emotional Abuse, etc.
Also, the constant monitoring, nagging and, ultimately, fights could destroy a very health and beautiful relationship.
The popular saying  "Live and Let Live" comes to mind here. I am of the option that everyone should be allowed to relate with to relate with whom they please. Whatever lessons they learn form these relationships, be it bad or good, will surely make them better and smarter at recognizing bad company in the future.

I rest my case..

P.S: This topic brought a bit of controversy at work, when my colleagues and I discussed it, please let me know your thoughts on Social Abuse

Photo Credits: www.huffingtonpost.ca

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