
JIB Hearts: Love Indeed... Ruth Ozor and Opeyemi Bolarinwa



Bride: Ruth Ozor
Groom: Opeyemi Bolarinwa

I totally love love! It's beautiful, sweet, and all forms of amazing.  God is love and love is life.... 
This is the  amazing story of Ruth Ozor and Opeyemi Bolarinwa, who found love all the way in Mauritius

His instincts told him they were headed in same direction when he first laid eyes on her, little did he know that they were bound for the altar. 

Here is the story of how they met and their pre-wedding shots.

Be inspired!

How did you meet?
By the Bridegroom

Big Story!
It was on my way to School (Middlesex University Mauritius branch campus) on the 30th of September 2013. I booked to board an SAA flight (South African airways). We had a 6-hour stop over in Johannesburg (O.R Tambo Intl. Airport) and  I saw this damsel (my wife) on a queue. Right there and then, something told me that we were going to the same destination


We got to Mauritius later that day, and the school had sent a driver to pick us. We were supposed to be three students who would be picked. The driver - Mr. Yashin, saw just two out of the three students and then told us (I and another student - Chris Idakwo) that we were supposed to be three, so we had to wait for the third student. Immediately I remembered the babe I had seen in SA, so I told Mr. Yashin that I'll go get her.
She was shocked when I called out her name as if I knew her before, so I went to her and helped her with her luggage. On that note, we moved together to school and became very good friends. We got talking in the school van on our way to the hostel and found out that we had a lot in common like Photography, Music, Passion for the things of God, traveling and sight seeing et al. We were even just 10 days away from each other on our birthdays; mine is September 16, hers is September 26.

RuOpe 2015

RuOpe 2015

We became so close that I would sometimes even tell her about the girls I liked and so on (We were all International students from different parts of the world). Eventually one thing led to the other and so we started having 'feelings for each other'. We then decided to take it to another level.

I told her that I would have to officially inform my parent and pastor and whatever they say will determine and confirm what the next step would be. (Many may not agree to this, but even bigger families of the world like the Royal family would go as far as doing DNA splicing to know if they can marry from a particular family or not. They believe that marriage should not just be for love but for continuity).

I believe in spiritual compatibility even more than the physical chemistry and that informed my decision. We saw our pastors and they gave their blessings and it helped us in taking the next step.

RuOpe 2015



Waves and Friendship!!



RuOpe 2015

RuOpe 2015



Cute, right?!
Wish the cute couple an amazingly happy life together


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